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4 floors of wood inspiration

[yolo_single_product product_style="style_5" id="13246" product_image="23070" product_cname="COMMODES" product_clink="" action_disable="wishlist,addtocart,compare,quickview"][yolo_single_product product_style="style_5" id="13003" product_image="23075" product_cname="VITRINES" product_clink="" action_disable="wishlist,addtocart,compare,quickview"]
[yolo_single_product product_style="style_5" id="12998" action_disable="wishlist,addtocart,compare,quickview" product_image="23959" product_customname="testname" product_cname="DINING TABLES" product_clink=""][yolo_single_product product_style="style_5" id="12998" action_disable="wishlist,addtocart,compare,quickview" product_image="22303" product_customname="testname" product_cname="DINING CHAIRS" product_clink=""][yolo_single_product product_style="style_5" id="12998" action_disable="wishlist,addtocart,compare,quickview" product_image="23073" product_customname="testname" product_cname="DESKS" product_clink=""]
[yolo_single_product product_style="style_5" action_tooltip="false" id="13000" product_image="23064" product_cname="BOOKCASES" product_clink="" action_disable="wishlist,addtocart,compare,quickview"]
[yolo_single_product product_style="style_5" action_tooltip="false" id="12995" product_image="22309" product_cname="STOOLS" product_clink="" action_disable="wishlist,addtocart,compare,quickview"][yolo_single_product product_style="style_5" id="12996" product_image="22311" product_cname="COUCHES" product_clink="" action_disable="wishlist,addtocart,compare,quickview"][yolo_single_product product_style="style_5" bg_img="white" id="12996" product_image="23083" product_cname="SOFAS" product_clink="" action_disable="wishlist,addtocart,compare,quickview" el_class="h_product_twocol"]


Vastu Gallery specializes in solid wood furniture and is located in Poleg industrial area in Netanya..
Wood is an amazing material that you can renew at all times and change its color, texture and finishing. Solid wood furniture are good for years and fit it all the time, every time and everywhere.
In our gallery you will find a world of furniture and accessories made of solid wood only – dining tables, buffets, chairs, desks, consoles, desks and even benches and sofas. You will also find a lot of complementary decorative items – mostly wood and decorated authentic items to the best of Indonesian art.
We invite you to visit us in our new shop in Poleg for a uniqe experience – Vastu Gallery more than just a furniture shop.


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    רהיטי עץ מלא - Vastu
    גלריית רהיטי עץ מלא
    גלריית וסטו היא גלריה לרהיטים מעץ, וותיקה וידועה באזור השרון ולה אולם תצוגה רחב ידיים באיזור תעשיה פולג, נתניה. עץ מלא הוא חומר גלם מדהים שניתן לחדש אותו כל הזמן ולשנות את פניו לאורך שנים ולהתאים אותו לכל זמן, לכל תקופה ולכל מקום. ניתן לייצר ממנו כל רהיט, לכל מטרה.